Excel 2019 Introduction

ISBN 978-1-944684-64-8

Laminated quick reference showing step-by-step instructions and shortcuts for how to use Microsoft Excel 2019 (Windows version). The following topics are covered:

Entering and Editing Data
Picking from a Drop-Down List
Selecting Cells
Resizing Column Width and Row Height
Inserting and Deleting Rows, Columns and Cells<
Clearing Cells, Clearing Formatting
Borders, Shading, Text Color
Formatting Number Cells
Aligning and Merging Cell Contents
Entering Dates
Entering a Sequence of Numbers
Entering Formulas &amp; Functions
Entering SUM and Other Functions Quickly
Absolute vs. Relative Cell References.
Copying and Moving Data: Copying to Adjacent Cells; Cut, Copy, Paste; Drag &amp; Drop.

Sheet Features: Renaming, Moving, Copying, Selecting, Inserting, Deleting Sheets.  Editing Multiple Worksheets Simultaneously.
Previewing, Printing and Page Setup
Scaling to Print
Printing a Specific Area
Using Page Break Preview to Adjust Page Breaks
Repeating Rows/Columns on Every Page.

Also includes a list of Touch Actions, Selection and Movement Shortcuts.

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