Word 2007 Introduction Quick Reference
Laminated quick reference card showing step-by-step instructions and shortcuts for how to use Microsoft Office Word 2007. Need version 2010? This guide is also available in French, German, Brazilian-Portuguese, Spanish, Chinese, Japanese, and Korean. The following topics are covered:
Creating, Opening & Saving Documents; Setting up the Page; Text Editing; Spacing between Paragraphs; Undo, Redo, and Repeat; Moving and Copying Text; Going to a Page; Going to the Next Table or Heading; Draft, Print Layout & Reading Views; Using Thumbnails; Using the Document Map.
Formatting: Font, Size, Enhancements, Alignment; Copying Formatting; Using the Mini Toolbar; Highlighter; Creating and Editing Headers and Footers; No Header or Footer on the First Page.
Spelling, Grammar, AutoCorrect; Quick Parts; Page Breaks; Printing Envelopes and Labels, Previewing and Printing; Sending the Document as an E-mail Attachment; Saving as PDF; E-mailing a PDF.
Also includes: Lists of Selection and Movement Shortcuts.